Call Against the Border
St.Nikola (Upper Austria) < > Neustadtl (Lower Austria)
The border between two regions, Upper Austria and Lower Austria, which is a fluid border in the Strudengau (Upper Austria) defined in the middle of the River Danube, serves as point of departure for discussing the manifold appearances of borders in our thinking and acting, for possibly overcoming geographical, imaginary, symbolic and mental borders in the contested current state of our society in Europe and beyond. Even though this border is harmless in comparison to international borders and the growing "walled Europe" local residents are affected by it in their daily life due to different laws in Upper Austria and Lower Austria. Therefore this geographically local border points at larger issues.
Based on workshops and conversations with locals we developed a visionary, fictional, experimental dialog „across the border" in a collaborative process, including excerpts of the correspondence between August Strindberg and Frida Uhl (1893-1894). The Call Against the Border was performed with two large scale megaphones (connecting to „Times of Dilemma“) across the River Danube by local people and artists of diverse backgrounds - a new experience for all of them. With "Call against the Border", transparadiso creates a public performance that resonates the voices of the population and their concerns as well as possible controversial attitudes. Maintaining the culture of dialogue - across ideological and personal boundaries and interests, which also puts a new focus on listening - is essential for transparadiso in times of growing emotional and social coldness to establish new qualities of coexistence in the community. First performance: June 29, 2019
Grein (Upper Austria) - Wiesen/ Neustadtl (Lower Austria) Performers Neustadtl: Bohdan Hanushevsky (accordeon), Pelin Ovat, Christine Scholl Grein: Anna Maria Brandstätter, Ewa Hanushevsky (saxophone), Andrea Taspinarli Photo credits: Nick Mangafas/ FdR, Josef Gusenbauer Second performance: July 5. 2019
St.NIkola (Upper Austria) - Neustadtl beach (Lower Austria) Photo credits: Gertraud Sonntag, transparadiso .....................................................
Video documentation by dorf tv: Video by St.NIkola TV (thanks to Christian Leitner)
Meetings (April-May 2019) and Workshop at St.Nikola/ Upper Austria, April 8, 2019
Festival der Regionen 2019
"Social Warmth" in collaboration with Public Art Lower Austria June 28-July 7, 2019 Performances: across the Danube between Upper Austria and Lower Austria: June 29, 17-18:00: Grein < > Neustadtl July 5, 18:30-19:30: St.Nikola < > Neustadtl July 7, 16:30-17:30: Mauthausen < > Pyburg Performers: Anna Maria Brandstätter, kohelet3 (Bohdan and Ewa Hanushevsky), Pelin Ovat, Christine Scholl, Andrea Taspinarli and the Brass Band of St.Nikola The dialog is based on contributions by: Anna Maria Brandstätter, Franz Edlinger, Peter Gstöttmaier, Ewa Hanushevsky, Bohdan Hanushevsky, Sarah Kamleitner, Reinhard Leonhartsberger, Eckhard Oberklammer, Pelin Ovat, Ted Pawloff, Heidi Pölzguter, Lothar Pühringer, Nikolaus Prinz, Andrea Taspinarli, Hubert Tazreiter, Markus Teufel, Grade School St.Nikola, Roland Wegerer With excerpts from: "Wenn nein, nein! August Strindberg und Frida Uhl. Briefwechsel 1893-1902", ed. Friedrich Buchmayr, 1993 Thanks to: Katrina Petter (Public Art Lower Austria), Christine Bruckbauer, Christian Enzendorfer, Walter Edtbauer (Lebenshilfe Grein), Brigitte Greisinger (Grade School St.Nikola), Lothar Pühringer (Kulturstadtrat Grein), Nikolaus Prinz (Mayor St.Nikola), Franz Kriener (Mayor Neustadtl), Johannes Pressl (Mayor Ardagger), Gundolf Rajakovics, Erwin Uhrmann Poster workshop Brochure "Call Against the Border": published by Public Art Lower Austria, 2020 ![]()
Ukrainian folk song by kohelet3