Basak Senova (ed.) Texts by: Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Enrico Lunghi, Paul O’Neill, and Andreas Spiegl Index by: Jane Rendell Graphic Design: bueronardin 312 p., German/ English De Gruyter/ edition Angewandte ISBN: 9783110790818 2022 For information see here. ............................................................................... NORMAL x 4 - #1
- Direct Urbanism in Graz Barbara Holub/ Paul Rajakovics 132 p., German/ English Graphic Design: Peter Oroszlany with b/w and color images ISBN 978-3-200-06960-2 2020 With contributions by: orizzontale, public works, transparadiso, Georg Winter, Beate Engelhorn ............................................................................... Planning Unplanned - Can Art Have a Function? Towards a New Function of Art in Society
Barbara Holub and Christine Hohenbüchler (eds.) The financial crisis has spawned a raft of (new) economic models based on cooperative interests and calling for a reconsideration of our values system. Within the context of deindustrialization, deregulation and privatization in urban planning in the last 15 years not only architects and urban planners but increasingly artists are assuming a key role in restructuring cities. In this book Barbara Holub together with international practitioners and theorists from art, urbanism, philosophy, anthropology and sociology but also politicians and administration officers explores the significance of artistic practices counteracting the investororiented (urban) planning and examines what options are offered by the new, transdisciplinary role of urban practitioner. Texts and artist inserts by: Markus Ambach, atelier d'architecture autogérée, Peter Arlt, Anette Baldauf, Kerstin Bergendal, Regina Bittner, Valentin Diakonov, Stefan Gruber, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler, Barbara Holub, Isola Art Center / Bert Theis, Grant Kester, Torange Khonsari, Folke Köbberling, Elke Krasny, Yvette Masson-Zanussi, Paul O'Neill, Osservatorio Urbano / Lungomare, Paul Rajakovics, Jane Rendell, Karin Reisinger, Mick Wilson, Georg Winter, Graphic Design: Rosebud, Inc., Vienna Translations and copy-editing: Ada Brant, Thomas Martin Pesl Printed by: Holzhausen Druck GmbH German / English, 256 p., numerous color images 26 x 19 cm Euro 35.- ISBN 978-3-86984-063-5 VERLAG FÜR MODERNE KUNST, 2015 radio dérive: 1.1.2013 ................................................................................... TRI/E/S/T/E
Michael Petrowitsch (ed.) Exhibition catalog 112 p., 2018 ISBN: 978-3-9504374-3-0 Beiträge von: Stefano Graziani, Emanuela Marassi, Davide Skerlj, transparadiso (Barbara Holub/Paul Rajakovics), Martin Behr, Otmar Lichtenwörther, Hannes Gellner, Team H/C (Giuliana Carbi, Barbara Holub, Elisabetta Porro, Paul Rajakovics) .................................................................................. Barbara Holub. The Games are Over,
in: The Games are open. Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser; Edited by Lorna Brown. Vancouver, 2015 |
NORMAL x 4 - #2
- Direct Urbanism in Graz Barbara Holub/ Paul Rajakovics 117 p., German/ English Graphic Design: Peter Oroszlany with b/w and color images ISBN 978-3-902374-22-6 2021 With contributions by: orizzontale, public works, transparadiso, Georg Winter Interview with Elke Krasny and transparadiso ................................................................................. Ruf gegen die Grenze/ Call Against the Border
Barbara Holub/ Paul Rajakovics 42 p., German/ English with color images with a text by Maren Richter published by Public Art Lower Austria 2020 ...................................................................... Barbara Holub. Why is Taking Action Beautiful? Explorations for Actionology
in: New Stakeholders of Urban Change: A Question of Culture and Attitude? Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 4 Hilke Marit Berger / Gesa Ziemer (eds.) ISBN 978-3-86859-487-4 JOVIS Verlag, 2017 ................................................................................ ![]() Direct Urbanism
transparadiso / Barbara Holub, Paul Rajakovics After more than twelve years of transdisciplinary practice, the book designed by Lupo & Burtscher, Bolzano, and Schienerl D/AD, Vienna, introduces the extensive work of »transparadiso«: The oeuvre ranges here from a committed architectural practice down to diverse artistic-urban interventions which, now methodically sharpened as »direct urbanism« lift the dichotomy between planning and urban activism. The desire for a collective topos that is supported by collaborative actions and the potential of macro-utopias is common to all the different projects. An interview with Paul O’Neill and Mick Wilson as well as a text by Jane Rendell link the discourse to the projects with their diverse contexts. Text Jane Rendell Interview Paul O’Neill and Mick Wilson with transparadiso German/ English 216 pages, numerous ills. in color With supplement and poster 27,5 x 19,8 cm Euro 32,– ISBN 978-3-6984-408-4 Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2013 |
Plattform für Streitreden
Christine Hohenbüchler/ Barbara Holub (eds.) 112 p., 2020 Graphic Design: Peter Oroszlany For information see here. ................................................................................. ![]() Initiative Island
Barbara Holub Eastside Projects, 2009 Published after the occasion of This is the Gallery and the Gallery is Many Things. Texts by Gavin Wade and Marjolein Schaaps, includes a 664 x 482 mm fold-out map. EP 1.1, photography by Gavin Wade / Stuart Whipps / Barbara Holub. Designed by Cornelia Silli Published by Eastside Projects, printed by Remaprint, Vienna 166 x 241 mm, 32 pp., full-color, softcover ISBN 978-1-906753-13-9 ................................................................................ Das Bienvenue: Ein Recht auf Raum für alle (Social Design Reader)
Barbara Holub (ed.), Social Design Arts as Urban Innovation (ed.), 2016 116 p., German/ English with b/w and color images 20,3 x 12,7 cm Print on demand, 2016 Euro 6,99 ISBN-10: 3741272450 ISBN-13: 978-3741272455 ................................................................................... Performing Public Art
Gerald Bast, Peter Weibel, Herwig Steiner (eds.) De Gruyter Verlag Erscheint in der Buchreihe „Edition Angewandte“ der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien mit Beiträgen von: Erdem Gündüz, transparadiso/ Barbara Holub & Paul Rajakovics, Johan Lorbeer, Barbis Ruder, Shinseungback Kimyonghun, Amy Spiers & Catherine Ryan, Artur Żmijewski und dem Wiener Beschwerdechor Den Beitrag der Angewandten zur Vienna Biennale 2015 bildete das Performing Public Art Festival, welcher jetzt auch als Datenträger und Buch erscheint. Performanceprojekte - kuratiert von Peter Weibel und Gerald Bast - wurden beauftragt, den öffentlichen Raum mit künstlerischen Interventionen zu bespielen. Im Mittelpunkt des Hybrids aus digitaler Nacherzählung und Buch steht ein Datenträger mit Kurzfilmen und Interviews der neun teilnehmenden KünstlerInnen. Dieser virtuelle Ausstellungsraum hat nach Aufschlagen des Buches rund um die Uhr für Sie geöffnet. |