WE PARAPOM! European Parade of Apple Trees
The art project "WE PARAPOM! - Collective European Parade of Apple Trees", curated by the Austrian artist Barbara Holub, is one of the first visible projects in the program of the Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025.
Up to 2,000 x 2 trees of different European apple varieties will be planted in an informal axis across the city and across property boundaries, connecting diverse neighborhoods and social backgrounds. The apple trees march for their rights (against exclusion, for fairer working conditions, for an ecologically and socially engaged society, questioning norms) cross-country, across property lines, on private and public land.
When Joseph Beuys planted 7,000 oak trees in Kassel in 1982, it radically touched on the understanding of art and the awareness of historical responsibility, and is a work of art that still stimulates debate today.
When 2,000 x 2 apple trees will be planted in Chemnitz by 2025 and beyond, this picks up on current ecological and social issues that can also be re-read in the context of Beuys and Marx through the artistic-urban interventions.
Starting in November 2021, German and international artists will realize artistic interventions that address current social issues such as,questioning the representation of power, the current situation of democracy and stimulate new engagement of civil society for active democratic participation.
How can art activate new and lost qualities in our everyday lives, which are characterized by the pressure for efficiency, and thus become effective in social processes?
For more information on the project please scroll down.
WE PARAPOM! was cancelled in May 2023.
NEWS 2023 Last projects realized: ALL GROUNDS ARE PLAYGROUNDS Sept.8-9, 2023 Amica Dall (ex-Assemble/ UK) in collaboration with students of the College for Applied Arts Schneeberg Three permanent situations for play were installed at the Fritz-Heckert-Area - a focus area of WE PARAPOM! - which was the second largest slab housing project during the GDR for 80.000 residents. 1_PLAYWALL Johann Richter, Louise Binninger and Luise Renner 08.09.23, 7:30-11:30: opening with collective play with the kids Location: Albert-Einstein-Primary School Max-Türpe-Straße 58, 09122 Chemnitz 2_KOUBS Magdalena Sander and Charlotte Quasdorf 09.09.2023, 14:00: Location: Kinder- und Jugendhaus UK/ Youth Center UK Usti nad Labem-Straße 40, 09119 Chemnitz 3_WIDO Tolja Böhnisch, Anne Gerke & Jannik Zielke 09.09.2023, 16:00: Location: Green area between Arno-Schreiter-Straße and Wolgograder Allee, 09123 Chemnitz in cooperation with the Youth Center Compact and the housing company WG Einheit ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "3rd Public Appearance of WE PARAPOM!: March 31-April 2, 2023 Zbyněk Baladrán "New Social Contract" Opening: April 1, 2023, 4 pm Location: Chemnitz: Hans-Ziegler-Straße/ Bürgerpark Gablenz Installation: April 2- July 2, 2023 Zbyněk Baladrán‘s installation „New Social Contract“ addresses the continuously changing working conditions in neoliberal society. e artist focuses on the increasing inequality in the world of work, which leads to social tensions in which Baladrán sees the danger for social upheaval. In his frieze for the public space in Gablenz Bürgerpark, the artist refers to the depiction of social hierarchies in Assyrian triumphal friezes, in which the absolute sovereignty of the monarch is juxtaposed with the subordinate population - the lawless class of slaves. Zbyněk Baladrán uses this reference for illustrating the inequalities based on the contradictions of today‘s capitalist world of work. He quotes from an interview with one of the richest men on earth, Warren Buffet, in Forbes magazine, which sums up the danger: „There‘s class warfare, all right, but it‘s my class,
the rich class, that‘s making war, and we‘re winning.“ Zbyněk Baladrán is a visual artist, curator and exhibition designer. He lives and works in Prague. In 2001 he co-founded Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice (www.display.cz). www.zbynekbaladran.com PROGRAMM: 3.öffentlicher Auftritt von WE PARAPOM!
(weitere Informationen und Orte siehe Programmfolder unten Fr, 31.03.: 16:00-18:00: "Schule des städtischen Handelns: Gablenz hören" (1): Hörspaziergang von Kathrin Wildner (Stadtethnologin) 18:30-20:30: "Wann platzt die Kruste auf?": Impulsvortrag von Folke Köbberling (Künstlerin) und Gespräch über Potenziale von Bodenentsiegelungen im Stadtraum mit: Sylvia Uhlemann (öko-agentur), Jana Kupfer-Zwingelberg (Schulleiterin Albert-Einstein-Grundschule), Florian Etterer (Grünflächenamt Stadt Chemnitz), Frank Kotzerke (Architekt, Chemnitz) Moderation: Katja Manz (Team WE PARAPOM!) Sa, 01.04.: 14:00-15:30: Öffentliches Pflanzen der Parade der Apfelbäume im Gablenzpark 14:45-15:45: Informationen zur Kulturhauptstadt und Musik 16:00-17:00: Eröffnung der Installation "New Social Contract" von Zbyněk Baladrán So, 02.04.: 11:00-13:00: KünstlerInnengespräche/ Brunch mit: Zbyněk Baladrán, Claudia Bosse, Folke Köbberling, Irene Suchy/ Michael Mautner, Kathrin Wildner Moderation: Sabine M.Schmidt (Kuratorin, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz) 14:00-16:00: "Schule des städtischen Handelns: Gablenz hören" (2): Hörspaziergang von Kathrin Wildner (Stadtethnologin) For more information see the flyer: ![]()
"School of Urban Acting: Listening Walks by Kathrin Wildner in Gablenz: March 31 + April 2, 2023
Parade of Apple Trees: First segment of planting at Bürgerpark Gablenz; the other segments will be planted upon completion of the new design of the park (by Uta Gerhardt) in fall 2023
Site visit by Claudia Bosse/ theatercombinat: researching Wismut and their history of uran mining and the renaturation process in the Ore Mountains
NEWS 2022 ARTIST TALKS: JULY 2022 How can art activate new and lost qualities in our everyday lives? July 2, 14:00-17:00 Location: former EDEKA-Markt/ Kaufhalle Bahnhofstraße 62, 09111 Chemnitz Artist talks and discussion: Zbyněk Baladrán (artist, Prague) Amica Dall/Assemble (designer, London/Barcelona) Paul Rajakovics/ transparadiso (urbanist/artist, Vienna) Apolonija Šušteršič (artist/architect, Oslo/Ljubljana) Followed by a discussion: moderated by Kathrin Wildner (metroZones, Berlin) Here you can download the detailled programme. The event will be recorded and then available online on weparapom.eu. The art project "WE PARAPOM! - European Parade of Apple Trees" (curated by Barbara Holub) is one of the first visible projects of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025. Up to 2,000 x 2 trees of different European apple varieties will be planted in an axis across the city and across property boundaries. The apple tree plantings of We PARAPOM! will be continuously accompanied by artistic interventions until 2025. These address current social issues such as migration, working conditions, ecology, soil sealing, questioning the representation of power and stimulate discussions on the current situation of democracy and a new commitment of civil society for active democratic participation. As part of their research to develop an art project for WE PARAPOM! the artists Zbyněk Baladrán, Amica Dall/Assemble, Paul Rajakovics/transparadiso and Apolonija Šušteršič will present their working methods as well as selected projects. During the exchange with the audience, cultural actors of the city, all interested Chemnitz residents and guests are invited to propose topics for WE PARAPOM! and to discuss them in relation to current social issues together with the artists and the urban ethnologist Kathrin Wildner. The exchange of different perspectives on the city, of experiences and desires, opens up new visions that leave behind the "unfeasible" and strive for the impossible. After the event, we invite you to visit together the art action MOVING GARDEN by Maider López (www.movinggarden.de). Meeting point is at 6:30 p.m. at Brückenstraße. For more information see: www.chemnitz2025.de www.weparapom.eu WE PARAPOM! |
WE PARAPOM! _a flagship project for the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 Artistic director and curator: Barbara Holub For information see: htttps://weparapom.eu ALL GROUNDS ARE PLAYGROUNDS Amica Dall (ex-Assemble) + Sept.8-9, 2023 "3rd Public Appearance of WE PARAPOM!: Zbyněk Baladrán "New Social Contract" March 31-April 2, 2023 ![]()
info campaign by bueronardin
"WE PARAPOM!" only exists through a community of the many! "WE PARAPOM!" will not only cross property boundaries but also break down social boundaries. For this purpose, all interested citizens, city authorities, institutions, associations, organizations are invited to sponsor or support the planting of apple trees on private and public land. This can be done at several levels: To provide a site along the route of the parade for planting and to take care of the maintenance, or - if you do not dispose of a plot, to take responsibility for the maintenance at another site and thus also promote the project in terms of its ambitions. "Parade" - revisited Parades have a long tradition as an expression of power and the display of government interests and ideologies. Here, the celebration often has the flavor of forced cheering, which can also make one shudder. In order to be able to celebrate the political parades in a dignified manner, wide boulevards were erected - especially in communist systems - as was the case in Chemnitz. In the meantime, however, marginalized groups in society (such as LGBT) have also fought for a place in the midst of society via the Gay Love Parade. Proud, loud and funny, imaginative, they march – and now also the apple trees - and show to society what people often cannot or do not dare to do - to step out of the box and enjoy it. Questioning standards The apple is defined by EU standards and thus the variety has been visibly reduced, so that domestic apples are hardly offered in supermarkets anymore. If an apple fails the standard, it is meanwhile offered cheaply in Austria as "Wunderling" („wonderling“) by a German supermarket chain. What is the "norm"? Which norms are necessary for our social coexistence? Where do we want to "fall out of the norm" and thus take a stand for what apparently "doesn't fit"? WE PARAPOM! provides space to these "wonderlings", for discussing and exploring their visions and macro-utopias. Sponsorships The „parade of the apple trees“ only becomes strong through the sponsorships and care of citizens, associations, institutions, companies and organizations, who want to take responsibility for the success of such an ambitious project, which will be effective in the long term as a significant, collaborative art project of the European Capital of Culture 2025 and beyond. In this way urban public space is being shaped collectively. |